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Adore Your Planet

Adore Yourself 

Protecting People and Planet from Harm
Instead of harm, let's create harmony.
Instead of war, let's choose peace.
Instead of later, let's act now.

Martha's Vineyard

We're a team of artists, writers, & stewards
of the environment here to help humanity.

Our mission: 
Helping people, animals, and all souls
have good health and the best life possible.

501c3 Nonprofit
We're grateful for the generous tax-
deductible contributions that fund our projects.

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Prepare to Rise Press 

We're committed to raising public awareness about the wrong doings against our resources that affect our health & the well being of humanity.  Prepare to Rise is more than our philosophy, it's the spirit and action infusing our books, learning materials, and collaborations. We strive to raise the frequency of humanity for health, peace, and happiness for all.

Man Gardening

The Outside Inn


Unique holistic health, food, and environment show featuring expert interviews, health awareness, natural healing methods,  people,  caring for yourself, caring for each other,, environmental experts, caring for the planet, journalists, writers, food, cooking, Doctors suggestions, University studies, government reports, investigations, recipes, love, fun and a great time overall. Coming soon!


Protecting Pollinators


Pollinators make health for each of us possible.

Right now, the bees, bats, and many species of birds and butterflies, dragonflies, and others are endangered. This is a vital time for us to get involved and stop the increasing use of pesticides. Not just the bees and birds, but hundreds of foods will be lost if we don't act promptly.  Nutrition and healing depend on nourishment that real food provides. We absolutely must save the pollinators now.

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Picked Red Apples


Organic Nourishment

All food is not created equal. Today you have to know how to avoid toxins in food! We specialize in advising on how to best nourish yourself and your family to protect your loved ones and create enduring health. 


Helping Animals Everywhere


Please help keep wild horses living on Public Lands!

Animals everywhere are in danger from unfortunate policies and careless people. We love all animals. Sentient creatures have feelings and emotions like us. They have families and friends just like us. We believe their wellbeing and happiness very much determines our own. For the sake of the earth and all souls, we must defend those that can't defend themselves.

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Protecting our Right to Sunlight


For life and good health for all, we must have sunlight. We stand against governmental plans for Solar Radiation Management.. Say no to SRM. Please join our Facebook group, Let the Sunshine In.

We're currently accepting application for a volunteer position to assist with social media activity. 

Water Health


We must cease poisoning our environment, not only for our health but for the health of future generations. Humans and all the magnificent creatures in this world depend on clean water for survival. Our existence can be viewed as a symphony with nature. Our frequency, vitality, and health depends on earth health and how we resonate with this fragile and sensitive planet we live on.  

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PUblic awareness

VIDEO Materials 

Books, journals, booklets 

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