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Adore Your Planet

Instead of harm, let's create harmony. Instead of poisoning, let's nourish.
Instead of war, let's choose peace.
Instead of later, let's act now.

Martha's Vineyard

We're a team of artists,Writers, 
and stewards of the ENVIRONMENt.  

Our mission: 
Helping People 
and animals everywhere.

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Prepare to Rise Books

We're committed to raising public awareness about crucial issues affecting our health. Our newest book, Filter Your Water Now! by Joanna Kappele is now available!

Man Gardening

Health rooted in Nature


Unique holistic health show featuring expert interviews, farmers, environmental health awareness, recipes, cooking and lots of fun!

Coming soon!


Protecting Pollinators

We are striving to bring people together to save the pollinators. Bees, birds, bats and butterflies are all in danger due to toxic pesticides.. 

Bee on a Daisy
Picked Red Apples


Organic Nourishment

All food is not created equal. Today you have to know how to avoid toxins in food! We specialize in counseling and classes on how to best nourish yourself and your family to create enduring health. 


Helping Animals Everywhere

Animals everywhere are in danger. We love these sentient creatures and believe their wellbeing and survival very much determines our own.

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Protecting our Right to Sunlight

For life and good health for all, we must have sunlight. We stand against Solar Radiation Management.. Say no to SRM. Please join our Facebook group, Let the Sunshine In

Water Health


There's so much work to do here! Drinking water contamination,, access to clean water, water shortages,.... We are here to fix it all together. See our short video below that sums up much of it, as well get our book, Filter Your Water Now

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