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Adore Your PlaneT

Lifting human consciousness

Protecting people and planet from harm

Martha's Vineyard

We're a team of artists, writers, & stewards
of the environment here to help humanity.

Our mission: 
Helping people, animals, and all souls have good
health and the best life possible. We are warriors for those that can't defend themselves and protectors of the planet.

501c3 Nonprofit
We're grateful for your interest and collaboration.

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Adore Your Planet
Adore Yourself

A unique journey that unites holistic living with personal growth. Living in stride with the earth, not harming it is the best way to respect our home, and mitigate any damage, including climate change.

Capture skills in wellbeing as soon as you can so you can live peacefully and enjoy good health all your days.. Caring for our beautiful planet is an important component of full being and wellness in all areas of your life.   All goodness is possible with an attuned heart and mind. We have journeys that suit children as well as adults..  Please contact us for more info. 

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Prepare to Rise


We're committed to raising public awareness about the wrong doings against our resources that affect our health & the well being of humanity.  Prepare to Rise is more than our philosophy, it's the spirit and action infusing our books, learning materials, and collaborations. We strive to raise the frequency of humanity for health, peace, and happiness for all.


Protecting Pollinators

Pollinators make health for each of us possible.

Right now, the bees, bats, and many species of birds and butterflies, dragonflies, and others are endangered. This is a vital time for us to get involved and stop the increasing use of pesticides. Not just the bees and birds, but hundreds of foods will be lost if we don't act promptly.  Nutrition and healing depend on nourishment that real food provides. We absolutely must save the pollinators now.

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Picked Red Apples


Organic Nourishment

All food is not created equal. Today you have to how to select food that benefits, and what makes any food better or worse than another.  If you'd like a personal nutrition plan that includes a food plan, and best ways to avoid toxins in your food and environment. We specialize in personal nutrition analysis and well being plans. We fill in any missing gaps in your nutritional profile, and your family's. You have peace of mind knowing your providing solid nutrient dense diet for your children.  If we don't protect our loved ones and ourself, who will? We provide the basics for your best interests and future, and so you can pass the knowledge forward. 


Our sessions impart secrets and practice in organic nutrition and holistic healing, preparing food and cooking, to herbal remedies, mineral therapies that add value to your life.  We offer anyone who asks a free 15 minute personal nutrient consultation for free! Contact us to arrange scheduling or click here: free nutrition consultation


Helping Animals Everywhere

Please help keep wild horses living on Public Lands!

Animals everywhere are in danger from natural disasters, unfortunate policies and careless people. We love all animals. Sentient creatures have feelings and emotions like us. They have families and friends just like us. We believe their wellbeing and happiness very much determines our own. For the sake of the earth and all souls, we must defend those that can't defend themselves.

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Protecting our Right to Sunlight

For life and good health for all, we must have sunlight. We stand against governmental plans for Solar Radiation Management.. Say no to SRM. Please join our Facebook group, Let the Sunshine In.

Water Health


We must cease poisoning our environment, not only for our health but for the health of wildlife and future generations. Humans and all the magnificent creatures in this world depend on clean water for survival. Our existence can be viewed as a symphony with nature. Our frequency, vitality, and health depends on the beautiful blue planet's health. We must practice resonating at a higher frequency so we along with our home, this fragile and sensitive planet we live on called Earth, survive.

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The Invisible Water Crisis

Books, journals, NOTEBOOKS 

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TOP 10                     

Crimes Harming HUMANS and
The Health of animals

#10  To illegalize incandescent lightbulbs, so only CFL and LED Bulbs
are available. These bulbs contain mercury and toxic heavy metals and emit cold energy light and harmful EMFs which contribute to mental health decline and poor health of anyone exposed. Additionally, a broken light bulb creates
a mini hazardous waste site.

#9  Allowing the majority of food-producing animals to live their entire life confined in cold, crowded, unclean, disease-ridden facilities, whilesubjecting them to horrible handling, rampant drug use, and an unhealthy stream of toxic pharmaceutical compounds. These residues are later absorbed by those who eat factory farm produced meat, eggs, and dairy products. 

#8  Those that allow and conduct Cruel and unnecessary animal testing, experimentation,  capturing, confinement, torture, killing with inhumane methods, removing or separating animal companions when animals are living wildly together and causing grievanceto none.

#7  To allow toxic air pollution Letting any refinery, power plant, mine, drilling site, factory or any air-polluting facility go without pollution control equipment. Allowing the release of contaminants, heavy metals, neurotoxins, or carcinogens into the atmosphere. To consider allowing future additions of sulfuric acid pollution to our skies with aerosols and stratospheric sun-blocking experiments known as SRM.  Solar Radiation Management is risky and untested, and intentionally poisons our air, harming our planet, our ecosystems, and all humanity and all of the animal kingdom.

#6  The use of Toxic Sewage Sludge as fertilizer on our farmland. Sewage sludge is derived from municipal waste-water treatment facilities and converted into fertilizer pellets. Sewage sludge Is full of a lot of bad gunkincluding health-harming forever chemicals known as PFAS.

#5  Allowing water pollution 
corporations and industries continuously pollute our drinking water and waterways with toxic disease-causing substances. This is complete complete disregard for all human and earth-derived animal life. T
his applies to fracking and energy facilities that dump or inject waste underground where it can compromise ground water.

#4  The continued and increasing use of herbicides, pesticides and weedkillers on food and in the environment. Pesticides cause death to all animals, including humans. They cause cancer and nervous system damage as well as reproductive harm. Pesticide residues easily enter our bodies through the food we eat and the water we wash, bathe, drink and cook with.
The foods with the highest pesticide levels are GMO foods because they are grown with extreme amounts of Roundup. T
hose who eat GMO foods have higher levels of glyphosate in their bodies. 

Almost all
plant- based proteins touted contain high residues of pesticides. Those who push us to eat plant-based GMO artificial meat and untested protein products full of toxins and disease-causing yeast and other substances are also suspect. Their crime is further compounded because they're global deforesters, leveling the Rainforests to grow their soy proteins.The worst imaginable pesticides are also used in landscaping, forests, parks, fields, public places, work or residential facilities.  The worst includes bee-killing, human-harming Neonicotinoids, nerve system toxins, Atrazine, and glyphosate (Roundup).

#3 Poor leadership that harms and threatens the survival of Forests and natural areas and harms the animals and people that live or depend upon them for survival. Forests provide shelter and cool the planet, forests filter polluted air, forests give us oxygen.

#2  To allow continuous pollution of our rivers and waterways from Agricultural Runoff emanating from factory farms and conventional  fields where so much chemical agriculture is employed. This runoff causes disease and death to humans and aquatic animals, as well as dead zones and toxic algae blooms.

and The #1 Crime increasing disease risk for people and animals is:

#1 When you live in drought conditions, in fire-prone areas, and you purposely, foolishly drain ditches, throw away life-giving rainwater, and
don't prepare to bring water to your City. Only the anti-life can survive
without water. 


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