​Raising the frequency.
Our mission: to inspire well being for all
Earth + Health
by Joanna Kappele
Environmental Health Guide
Discover how to protect yourself from all the toxins and trouble they dump in our
food & water.
See why the The pesticide industry didn't want this book published!!!
Food, Disease, Water, Plastic, Palm Oil, Climate Crisis, Pollinators! Are you confused with all the environmental issues today? It’s hard to keep up! Which issue is impacting you the most? How may these be affecting your children? What role do they play in your health? What can you do? Where do you begin? If you feel overwhelmed, you’re not alone!
Consider this book your personal field guide to help you navigate through these times. Be prepared and informed, arm yourself with knowledge and facts. Start connecting the dots and see how deeply these issues intersect with your life, your family, your home.
This book begins with the food supply & opens your eyes to the big picture, how it's all connected—what’s in our food, what's in the water, what's in our air: what's causing us harm? How does food affect our health? What does food production have to do with the climate crisis? Why and how does pollinator health relate to our health? How does this all relate to the pandemic of 2020? This book will help raise your awareness of these important topics. You'll walk away with a deeper understanding of what brings you health, and what keeps the planet balanced and able to sustain humanity.
Together we have the ability to reverse the current trends toward catastrophe, but only working together in unity. Prepare to rise, we have no time to waste.